random #43


sorry for the lack of updates lately! i've been working a lot, and when i wasn't working i was busy re-decorating my room. since i quit my art academy study in rotterdam and just got accepted at an art academy in hilversum (my hometown, blugh) i will be staying for at least one (more) year at my parents house. therefore i felt like re-decorating my room! i've been painting my walls for the last 2 weeks and my outfit wasn't really fashionable (a sweatpants and t-shirt covered with white paint) that's why i didn't post that much outfits. here are some detail pics from my new room! you might have noticed the paint on the floor. i didn't do that on purpose but my next project will be white washing my floor (probably after my england trip)
i hope you like this not fashion related post!

x zoé


Viktória said...

very cozy :) oh and great books btw! :)


Mirthe said...

haha, ik woon naast hilversum :) wewonen dicht bij elkaar. waar in hilversum ga je kunstacademie doen dan? en wat deed je aan wdka?

Mirthe said...

wow, wat vet! ik wist niet eens dat dat er was! wat deed je eigenlijk op wdka?

Mirthe said...

misschien lifestyle & design inderdaad! wat vond je er minder leuk aan dat je ermee gestopt bent?

Unknown said...

Thanks Zoe! Really like your style to! So cool, slacker meets fashion! fab!

Anonymous said...

what a COOL blog!
following you now :)


EMMA said...

Waaauw wat een lekkere kamer heb jij!! Echt zo'n bloggerkamer, hihi. Mijn kamer is nog steeds roze en overal hangen posters en dingen.
Jouw kamer is echt mooi <3!

Hanna said...

simple maar mooi!:) en jij hebt best veel tijdschriften haha !:)

Cindy Van Dyck said...

Ik ben echt verliefd op al je tijdschriften!

THE said...

Hey! No I am from The Netherlands, but living in London!

xo www.thefashionguitar.com

Down This Road said...

im a total magazine hoarder too ;)


Anonymous said...

great blog! I adore the layout/design!


A.n.E said...

I really like your room and your storage boxes. I think I have way to much stuff. envy your timber floors too.

ps. no wories, we love non fashion posts

Marijke said...

Nice room! Love your book collection.

Melissa said...

like the minimalistic approach!



Inari said...

mmmm perfect room!

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

I hope someone does not have to read through that stack of papers.;);>

Dr. Russ Murray