this is for all the dutchies who read my blog!
you have to see this movie! i saw this movie in february, on the international film festival in rotterdam. but now everybody is able to see the movie in the theaters! well...not all theaters, only in amsterdam and utrecht but i think it's worth the traveling! soooo check out this preview and book your movie tickets immediately!
shocking blue
Rocking awesome blog!! Love it ;)
Ik heb je getagged op m'n blog, dussss daar moet je nu blijkbaar even heen ;)
I'll definitely check it out! thank you :)
Yay leuk!
Hoop dat je de vragen ook leuk vindt.
Ik heb trouwens wel echt zin in 't filmfestival nu!!
tnx for passing by!i hope you`ll be back soon and follow it too!kisses
Nice trailer! I'll watch it!
look interesting whoah
Nooit gehoord van de film, maar misschien wel de moeite waard om te gaan kijken!
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